T: 886-2-22404099
F: 886-2-22404097
NetworKam not only has web service for easy access but also builds in FTP service to make system
integrators easy to use. According to settings on the application page, NetworKam can sequentially send
updated snapshots over a specific period to an external server with choices of overwriting and time suffix.
For security staffs, NetworKam can directly send snapshots to external server for evidence according to
event settings. Through NetworKam’s FTP daemon, administrators can quickly update configurations and
maintenance. Both FTP server and client support the passive mode to pass general firewalls.
Those files with GIF extension are used for homepage layout and can be read and overwritten. Those files
with JPG extension are snapshots captured on request or events. They also can be downloaded by
managed users. Other files will be explained below.
Uploading snapshots periodically to an external FTP server
In sequential mode, NetworKam will send out snapshots according to interval and period settings. If
snapshot files are intended for quick updates, it is better to skip date and time suffix. The file name will
then be video.jpg. If the snapshots are used for occasional monitoring, suffix with date and time can help
administrators classify them easily.
Viewing and downloading the stored snapshots
There are three video image files for three stages: pre-alarm, the moment when triggered and post-alarm.
The files captured when pre-alarm are vpre.jpg. The files captured at the moment when trigged are
vtrg.jpg. The files captured when post-alarm are vpos.jpg. Download the desired camera snapshot to be
opened in browser.
Downloading the update snapshots
Users can also download video.jpg to take current snapshots of video channels. The zero file size means it
is captured by request. It is useful for certain application to retrieve update snapshot via FTP.
Customizing images of homepage
If any necessary image is lost while homepage layout is image mode, NetworKam will switch to text