
T: 886-2-22404099
F: 886-2-22404097
Send command to device attached to COM
This hyperlink will inform NetworKam to send out binary format commands to the COM with “0x12,
0x34, 0x56” followed by “0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF”. Each comma separates the commands by 200
milliseconds. “flush=yes” means the receive data buffer of COM port must be cleared before read. Then
read 6 bytes after waiting for 1000 milliseconds. The read data can be up to 128 bytes and will return as
ASCII coded hexadecimal value, e.g., 0x41, 0x42, 0x43 read from COM port will show in returned
homepage as 414243 instead of ABC.
Restore factory default settings
NetworKam will automatically restart after restoring factory default configurations.
Restart system
Restart NetworKam without warning.