
- 8 -
T: 886-2-22404099
F: 886-2-22404097
Software installation
In the following content, "user" refers to those who can access Network Camera and
"administrator" refers to the supervisor who can configure Network Camera and grant
users access.
When completing the hardware installation, administrators need to run the Installer
program included in the product CDROM to locate the newly installed Network Cameras.
Any Network Camera standby for software installation will be captured by the Installer
program. Therefore there may be several entries shown in the window. Administrators
may differentiate the Network Cameras with the serial number and click on the entry
with "Assigned" field labeled "No" to perform software installation. The serial number is
printed on the labels on the carton and the rear panel of Network Camera body.
To install Network Camera for wireless usage, it is recommended to install in
Ethernet first. After successfully entering the network configuration page, input the
correct WLAN settings, remove the Ethernet cable and recycle the power to work in
The IP address shown in
"Current IP Address" field
depends on the local network.
It may get from the DHC P
server for the administrator's
reference. If there is no DHCP
server, administrators can
choose any neighbor IP
address of the PC. The
Installer program will check
the IP address automatically;
there will be a warning
message if it conflicts with