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Account management
Note: This request requires administrator privilege
Method: GET/POST
http://<servername>/cg i - b i n / a d m i n / e d i t a c c o u n t . c g i
[&privilege=<value>][…][&return=<return page>]
parameter value Description
add Add an account to server. When using this method,
“username” field is necessary. It will use default value
of other fields if not specified.
delete Remove an account from server. When using this
method, “username” field is necessary, and others are
edit Modify the account password and privilege. When
using this method, “username” field is necessary, and
other fields are optional. If not specified, it will keep
original settings.
username <name> The name of user to add, delete or edit
userpass <value>
he password of new user to add or that of old user to
modify. The default value is an empty string.
<value> The privilege of user to add or to modify. The privilege
can be the addition of the following values. Ex: A user
with configure access can be assigned privilege as
conf configuration privilege
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return <return page> Redirect to the page <return page> after the
parameter is assigned. The <return page> can be a
full URL path or relative path according the the current
path. If you omit this parameter, it will redirect to an
empty page.
System logs
Note: This request require administrator privilege
Method: GET/POST
http://<servername>/cg i - b i n / a d m i n / s y s l o g . c g i
Server will return the up-to-date system log.
HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Content-Length: <syslog length>\r\n
<system log information>\r\n
Configuration file
Note: This request requires administrator privilege
Method: GET/POST
61 - User's Manual
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