
- 46 -
T: 886-2-82455282
F: 886-2-82455532
Auto tracking white balance” is usually applied when the Network Camera is
aiming outdoor. Adjusting the 9 levels of white levels can help the camera capturing
video with correct colors. On the other hand, select “White balance control” will
disable “Auto tracking white balance”. It is usually applied indoor to adjust the
video colors. The administrator can set different color temperatures (3200K~8000K) to
get correct colors.
Checking “Low lux mode” helps seeing object in poor illuminative environment.
Turning on “Auto switch to B/W in low lux mode” together with “Low lux mode
being checked, the video will become black and white automatically if the camera is
aiming at dark environment.
Enable BLC” option is for back light compensation. Normally, objects in front of light
source are difficult to be seen, checking this option and adjusting “BLC sens level” can
help seeing the objects more clearly. The BLC sens level is about sensitivity of BLC
Clicking on “BLC Area Selection”, a selecting window will pop up. As the window
shows, the video is divided to 48 rectangle areas with the same size. Select the areas
to enable BLC, if no area is selected, checking “Enable BLC” option makes the video no