weekday <interger> 6/6 Indicate which weekday is scheduled.
One bit represents one weekday.
The bit0 (LSB) indicates Saturday.
The bit1 indicates Friday.
The bit2 indicates Thursday.
The bit3 indicates Wednesday.
The bit4 indicates Tuesday.
The bit5 indicates Monday.
The bit6 indicates Sunday.
For example, to detect events on Friday and
Sunday, set weekday as 66.
begintime hh:mm 6/6 Begin time of weekly schedule.
endtime hh:mm 6/6 End time of weekly schedule.
(00:00~24:00 means always.)
prefix string[16] 6/6 Indicate the prefix of the filename.
cyclesize 20~ 6/6 The maximum size for cycle recording in Kbytes
when choose limit recording size.
maxfilesize 50~6000 6/6 The max size for one file in Kbytes
dest 0~4 6/6 The destination to store the recording data.
“0~4” means the index of network storage.
Group: https
enable <boolean> 6/6 To enable or disable this secure http
policy <Boolean> 6/6 If the value is 1, it will force http connection
redirect to https connection
method auto,
6/6 auto => Create self-signed certificate
manual => Create self-signed certificate
install => Create certificate request and install
status -2 ~ 1 6/6 Specify the https status.
-2=>invalid public key
-1=>waiting for certificated
0=>not installed
countryname string[2] 6/6 country name in certificate information
stateorprovincename string[128] 6/6 state or province name in in certificate