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T: 886-2-82455282
F: 886-2-82455532
System settings
"Host name" The text displays the title at the top of the banner.
"Keep current date and time" Click on this to reserve the current date and time of
the Video Receiver. An internal real-time clock maintains the date and time even when
the power of the system is turned off.
"Sync with computer time" Synchronizes the date and time of the Video Receiver
with the local computer. The read-only date and time of the PC is displayed as updated.
“Manual” Adjust the date and time according to what is entered by the Administrator.
Notice the format in the related fields while doing the entry.
“Automatic” Synchronize with the NTP server over the Internet whenever the Video
Receiver starts up. It will fail if the assigned time-server cannot be reached.
“NTP server” Assign the IP address or domain name of the time-server.
"Time zone" Adjust the time with that of the time-servers for local settings.
“Update interval” Select hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly update with the time on the
NTP server.
Remember to click on
to immediately validate the changes. Otherwise, the
correct time will not be synchronized.