124 - User's Manual
home while idle.
idleaction_interval <integer> 1/4 While idle over this time interval, idle action will be
Once you enable this feature, a reference line
will be visible when the camera tilt is under 0°
or over 180° to help verify that the camera is
mounted to a flat surface.
Group: snmp (capability.snmp) (product dependent)
v2 0~1 6/6 SNMP v2 enabled. 0 for disable, 1 for enable
v3 0~1 6/6 SNMP v3 enabled. 0 for disable, 1 for enable
secnamerw string[31] 6/6 Read/write security name
secnamero string[31] 6/6 Read only security name
authpwrw string[8~128] 6/6 Read/write authentication password
authpwro string[8~128] 6/6 Read only authentication password
authtyperw MD5,SHA 6/6 Read/write authentication type
authtypero MD5,SHA 6/6 Read only authentication type
encryptpwrw string[8~128] 6/6 Read/write password
encryptpwro string[8~128] 6/6 Read only password
encrypttyperw DES 6/6 Read/write encryption type
encrypttypero DES 6/6 Read only encryption type
rwcommunity string[31] 6/6 Read/write community
rocommunity string[31] 6/6 Ready only community
syslocation string[128] 6/6 Description of Camera location (Ex. Address)
syscontact string[128] 6/6 Description of Camera contactor (Ex. E-mail)
Group: privacymask_c<0~(n-1)> for n channel product
enable <boolean> 4/4 Enable privacy mask.
win_i<0~4>_enable <boolean> 4/4 Enable privacy mask window.
win_i<0~4>_name string[14] 4/4 Name of the privacy mask window.
win_i<0~4>_left 0 ~ 320/352 4/4 Left coordinate of window position.
win_i<0~4>_top 0 ~ 240/288 4/4 Top coordinate of window position.
win_i<0~4>_width 0 ~ 320/352 4/4 Width of privacy mask window.
win_i<0~4>_height 0 ~ 240/288 4/4 Height of privacy mask window.