User's Manual - 73
- Gain control: see above for description.
WDR (Wide Dynamic Range):
This function allows users to identify more image details in an environment
with dark objects posed against an extremely bright background. You may enable the function by selecting
Auto or the Manual mode, and then adjust the sensitivity and correction level (low, medium, high) to
acquire the best image quality.
This camera supports Double exposure in the WDR mode. Double exposure is an advanced rmware
algorithm that delivers best image quality by comparing two video frames taken with different shutter
speeds, e.g., 1/60s and 1/4500s, and rendering data points from them into a well-balanced image.
Note that if this feature is enabled, the camera's video frame rate will be halved, e.g., from 60fps to
30fps. With frames taken at two different shutter speeds, the Long exposure is always set at 1/60s,
while the Short exposure value is user-congurable depending on the lighting condition of where the
camera is deployed.
When completed with the settings on this page, click Save to enable the setting.
Please follow the steps below to setup a prole:
1. Check Enable and apply this prole.
2. Select the applied mode: Day mode, Night mode, or Schedule mode. Please manually enter a range
of time if you choose the Schedule mode.
3. Congure Exposure control settings in the following columns.
4. Click Save to enable the setting and click Close to exit the page.