User's Manual - 63
& 3 Regional) Display modes are only available when the “Wall“ Mount type is applied.
Floor: The Display modes with the Floor mount type are identical to those for the Ceiling mount
except that the images are not vertically ipped.
Position of timestamp and video title on image: Select to display time stamp and video title on the top or
at the bottom of the video stream.
Timestamp and video title font size: Select the font size for the time stamp and title.
Color: Select to display color or black/white video streams.
Power line frequency: Set the power line frequency consistent with local utility settings to eliminate image
ickering associated with uorescent lights.
Video orientation: Flip - vertically reflect the display of the live video; Mirror - horizontally reflect the
display of the live video. Select both options if the Network Camera is installed upside-down (e.g., on the
ceiling) to correct the image orientation. Please note that the preset locations will be cleared after you
congure the ip/mirror option.
Day/Night Settings
This only provides a link to the Exposure window. See page 67 for details.