The D-5.5 incorporates two, switchable MIDI inputs
and four MIDI THRU outputs. With the D-5.5E, six
additional MIDI THRU outputs are available.
MIDI LED Indicator (MIDI IN)
This yellow LED indicates the presence of MIDI data
at the MIDI input jack on the rear panel (MIDI IN).
MIDI Input Selector Switch (MIDI IN, A, B)
This switch selects either the MIDI input B signal in
the "push" position, or A signal in the "release"
While the MIDI LED indicator is flashing, do not
operate either the MIDI input selector switch or
the MIDI THRU on/off switch in order to avoid
malfunction of connected MIDI equipment.
This switch is for "on" or "off" function of each MIDI
THRU output. The MIDI THRU is "on" in the "push"
Group Assign Pan Control 1 and 2 (GROUP PAN)
This pan control assigns the amount of signal
determined by the group assign control to the group
1 and 2 busses, providing equal output to the group 1
and 2 busses at the center position. Rotating the pan
control clockwise decreases the amount of signal to
be fed to the group 2 buss, keeping the original level
of the signal for the group 1 buss, while rotating the
control counter-clockwise decreases the amount of
signal to be fed to the group 1 buss, keeping the
original level of the signal for the group 2 buss.
Cue Switch (CUE)
The cue switch is for monitoring the post-EQ,
pre-fader signal in each input channel through
headphone and cue output. The switch is a "push-on
push-off" type. When more than two switches are
"on" the signals are combined.
Group Assign Control 3 and 4 (GROUP LEVEL)
This control determines the amount of a given input
signal assigned to the group 3 and 4 via the group
assign control.
Group Assign Pan control 3 and 4 (GROUP PAN)
This pan control assigns the amount of signal
determined by the group assign control to the group
3 and 4 busses, providing equal output to the group 3
and 4 busses at the detent center position. Rotating
the pan control counter-clockwise decreases the
amount of the signal to be fed to the group 4 buss,
keeping the original level of the signal for the group 3
buss, while rotating the pan control clockwise
decreases the amount of the signal to be fed to the
group 3 buss, keeping the original level of the signal
for the group 4 buss.
Channel Switch ON Indicator (CHANNEL ON)
The LED indicator lights orange when the channel
on/off switch is "on".
Channel ON/OFF Switch (CHANNEL)
This pushbutton connects or disconnects the input
signal to the mixing busses.
Writing Block
The name of the input equipment or microphone
setting can be written in with an erasable felt pen or
grease pencil.
Input Fader
The fader provides continuously variable adjustment
of the channel's output to the mixing busses. The
nominal level is at the "0" position, with the fader
retaining a l0dB margin.
AUX 2 Control (AUX 2)
This control determines the level of the input signal
to be fed to the aux 2 buss. When in the center detent
position the control is off, and no signal is assigned.
Rotating the control counter-clockwise increases the
amount of pre-fader/post-EQ signal assigned to the
Rotating the control clockwise increases the amount
of post-fader/post-EQ signal.
Note: "Pre-fader/post-EQ" can be changed to pre-EQ
signal with an internal switch. (See page 19 for
Reverb Control (REV)
This control determines the amount of post-fader/
post-EQ signal assigned to the reverb buss from a
given input channel, and thus the level of reberb for
that channel.
Effects Control (EFF)
This control determines the amount of post-fader/
post-EQ signal assigned to the effect buss from a
given input channel, and thus the level of effects for
that channel.
Group Assign Control 1 and 2 (GROUP LEVEL)
This control determines the level of input signal
assigned to the group buss 1 and 2 via the group
assign pan control.
Front Panel (D-5.5, D-5.5E)
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