VGZ-018 / 0805.1 NORSEMAN™ 1500/2500 FURNACE / Page 9
NOTE: Installation must be made by a qualified
heating equipment installer (one who is engaged in,
and is responsible for, or is thoroughly familiar with the
installation and operation of gas, oil, and solid fuel burn-
ing heating appliances, who is experienced in such work
and familiar with all the building requirements and/or fire
codes of the authority having local jurisdiction.)
This is a furnace, not a stove. Heated air must be
directed away from the furnace or it will not operate
1. Th e in sta lla tio n i s to be c omp let ed i n
accordance with National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) installation standards No.
89M, 90B, 211, 70 (National Electrical Code) and
Uniform Mechanical Code 913, 6-4 in states where
applicable (where code offers making flue pipe
connections into an existing chimney with other
fuel burning appliances).
2. Wood/coal burning appliances need air for
combustion and circulation to the house.
Provision must be made to provide make up
air so as not to starve the central heating
system of combustion air. Have the local regu-
lating authority determine that make up air
supply is adequate. Reference NFPA standards
No. 30 & 54, Code for Installation of Gas and Oil
3. Have th e l oc al reg ul ati ng au tho ri ty or
qualified exper t inspect all chimneys and
installations for adequate venting and for
compliance with standard local codes and
regulations regarding installation of wood/coal
burning appliances. (Also see Pipe Installation on
following pages.)
4. Position the furnace according to clear-
ances shown in figures 1–3 and to maintain
chimney connections as short as possible. Avoid
unnecessary turns and installation of devices that
would create excessive resistance to the flow of
flue gases.
5. Make flue pipe connections to the chimney
with 24-gauge pipe and elbows (not included
with furnace) maintaining proper clearances.
Seal the flue pipe in the chimney with fur-
nace cement. (Chimney connections must be
securely supported and joints fastened with sheet
metal screws.)
6. For parallel installations, install (two) 8˝ anti-back-
draft butterfly dampers (Vogelzang Model AD-8, not
included with the furnace) in the heat (duct) pipes
a minimum of 18 inches above the furnace
plenum. Anti-backdraft butterfly dampers may be
obtained where you purchased your appliance or
from a local HVAC distributor.
7. Install 8˝ diameter 26-gauge heat (duct) pipe
and connectors (not included with furnace) to
make connection to the plenum of the central
heating system. The heat pipe, plenum, and
connections must be constructed of metal with
a minimum temperature rating of 250° F. If
central air conditioning is installed in the
plenum, install hea t pipe above the air
condit ioning un it. Secure the h eat pi pe
connection with supports and sheet metal
8. Make electrical supply connections in the
electrical junction box and connect power
supply wires to designated wires using wire nuts
(see wiring diagram figure 7 & 8). The power cord
supplied may be used for installation if local codes
and regulations permit. If not permitted, power
supply wiring must be minimum of 18-ga. AWG
copper and rated for 90° Centigrade installed in a
metal cable or conduit. Power connections should
be made by a qualified installer to comply with
NFPA Standard No. 70 and all local codes and