Connecting your phone
1. Plug a standard telephone cord into your phone.
NOTE: If not done so already, disconnect phone cord from wall.
2. Plug the other end into the Green Phone 1 Port
on the back of the Vonage Device.
NOTE: Make sure the phone light is solid.
This is what your setup should look like:
3. Pick up your handset. If you hear a dial tone, congratulations!
You’ve set up your Vonage service correctly, and can now start
making calls. To configure your voicemail and other included
services features, simply login to your web account at
www.vonage.com. In Canada visit www.vonage.ca.
NOTE: When you pick up your phone to check for a dial tone, the phone light will blink.
If you do not hear a dial tone, proceed to Troubleshooting
Tips on page 10.
Step 3:
Vonage Device
(OR Router)