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• Keep the broiler clean.
• Clean the grate grooves with the wire brush provided.
• Empty the grease drawer frequently.
Top Grates
Clean the top grates daily on both the top and bottom surfaces with a good wire brush or burlap or other
grease-absorbing material to remove spillover, grease and so forth before it burns in. Avoid a crust on
the top of the grill: It looks unsightly and slows cooking speed (scrape off if necessary). Burn off grates
at full input after cleaning. Season grates before cooking, see Seasoning on page 8.
Burner Radiants
To prevent continuous smoking, keep the charbroiler clean. Never allow grease or fat to accumulate.
Clean burner radiants daily with a good wire brush. The radiants may be cleaned in place or removed
for a more thorough cleaning. Steel wool may be used for more stubborn spots.
Grease Trough and Drawer
Empty and clean the grease trough, and drain the drawer thoroughly at least once every day.
Exterior Surfaces
Clean all exposed surfaces of the entire charbroiler thoroughly at the end of each day. Stainless steel
may be cleaned with a damp cloth; stubborn soil may be removed with detergent and warm water.