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Weekly (More Often if Needed)
Clean exterior with a damp cloth and polish with a soft dry cloth. Use a nonabrasive cleaner to remove
Corrosive cleaning agents such as chlorides, acids, salts or vinegar may cause pitting and corrosion,
which will reduce the life of the appliance. Never spray water into electric controls.
Climatic conditions (salt air) may require more thorough and frequent cleaning, or the life of the
appliance may be adversely affected.
For hard-to-remove stains: Apply cleanser on a damp cloth or sponge and gently rub metal in the
direction of the polish lines. Avoid marring the stainless steel. Do not rub in a circular motion.
If the previous procedure fails, Scotch-Brite or stainless steel wool pads may be used. Do not use
ordinary steel wool because particles left on the surface will rust and spoil the finish. Never use a wire
brush, steel scraper, putty knife, file, steel wool pads (except stainless steel) or other steel tools.
Marring the surface will make it more difficult to clean and will increase the possibility of corrosive
Heat tint (a darkened area on stainless steel which was subjected to excessive heat) is not harmful but
can usually be removed by vigorous scouring in the direction of the polish lines using Scotch-Brite
scouring pads or a stainless steel wool combined with a moist paste of powdered cleanser.