VM4016 Command Dictionary 67
Controls the use of the register interface
Command Syntax
Command Parameters
<boolean> = 0 | 1 | OFF | ON
Factory Default = 1
*RST Value
Query Syntax
Query Parameters
Query Response
ASCII numeric 0 or 1
If INHOUSE:PSEUDO is set true (1 or ON), the instrument uses the pseudo register
interface. If false (0 or OFF), the instrument uses the hardware register interface. The
value set is implemented upon the next power cycle. This command does not take
effect immediately.
The pseudo register interface allows use of the REG_ENABLE capability as well as the
CLEAR_LATCH capability from the registers. These capabilities are not available
with the hardware register interface. The hardware register interface is much faster
than the pseudo register interface (speeds are controller dependent but, as an example,
with one controller a hardware register access takes about 0.5 µs while a pseudo
register access takes about 25 µs). The hardware register, however, interface lacks the
above two features.
Pseudo registers are needed if the user wants to perform a register read or a word serial
FETch:LATChed? of FIRST LATCHED data in order to allow another FIRST
LATCHED to occur. If pseudo is not set, then the user can read registers at hardware
register speed but a word serial read FETCh:LATChed? is required to allow another
FIRST LATCHED to occur. If pseudo is set, then the user can read the registers at
pseudo register speed but the read of the latched data will allow a new FIRST
LATCHED to occur. Pseudo also allows a register write to control the masking of
interrupts for REGINT.
Note: All letters of the command are required; there is no short form of the command.
Examples Command / Query Response (Description)
(Selects the PSEUDO register)
1 (Indicates that the PSEUDO register is selected)
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