Table of Baseband Measurement Spans (part 6 of 6)
All values are in Hertz (Hz).
sample frequency
(Fs) —>
163840 192000 196608
number of
÷2 steps
with ÷5 without ÷5 with ÷5 without ÷5 with ÷5 without ÷5
0 12800.000000 64000.000000* 15000.000000 75000.000000* 15360.000000 76800.000000*
1 6400.000000 32000.000000* 7500.000000 37500.000000 7680.000000 38400.000000
2 3200.000000 16000.000000 3750.000000 18750.000000 3840.000000 19200.000000
3 1600.000000 8000.000000 1875.000000 9375.000000 1920.000000 9600.000000
4 800.000000 4000.000000 937.500000 4687.500000 960.000000 4800.000000
5 200.000000 2000.000000 468.750000 2343.750000 480.000000 2400.000000
6 200.000000 1000.000000 234.375000 1171.875000 240.000000 1200.000000
7 100.000000 500.000000 117.187500 585.937500 120.000000 600.000000
8 50.000000 250.000000 58.593750 292.968750 60.000000 300.000000
9 25.000000 125.000000 29.296875 146.484375 30.000000 150.000000
10 12.500000 65.500000 14.648438 73.242188 15.000000 75.000000
11 6.250000 31.250000 7.324219 36.621094 7.500000 37.500000
12 3.125000 15.625000 3.662109 18.310547 3.750000 18.750000
13 1.562500 7.812500 1.831055 9.155273 1.875000 9.375000
14 0.781250 3.906250 0.915527 4.577637 0.937500 4.687500
15 0.390625 1.953125 0.457764 2.88818 0.468750 2.343750
16 0.195312 0.976562 0.228882 1.144409 0.234375 1.171875
* For the top span, the 3 dB bandwidth is 1.15 times span shown.
To select sample frequency for time domain data, first divide the desired sample
frequency by 2.56 to convert it to a measurement span. Then locate the closest
measurement span on this table and choose the corresponding sample frequency at
the top of the table.
VT1433B User's Guide
Using the VT1433B