VX1410A & VX1420A IntelliFrame Mainframe Instruction Manual
Troubleshooting Procedures
The troubleshooting procedures are designed to isolate problems to a module
level. No component-level procedures are provided.
The following test equipment is recommended for troubleshooting procedures:
H Digital Voltmeter (Tektronix DMM 16 digital voltmeter)
H Oscilloscope, 20 MHz BW, with 10x Probe with < 1-inch ground lead,
(Tektronix TDS500B series oscilloscope)
The IntelliFrame Mainframe does include diagnostics. Refer to the TEST
Subsystem command descriptions on page 3–19 for more information. The
functionality of the mainframe can be verified by following the performance
verification procedures as described in Performance Verification beginning on
page 5–1.
The mainframe has one line fuse. The line fuse can be one of three different
kinds depending on the operating voltage of the mainframe. Table 8–2 summa-
rizes the different fuses that can be used as the line fuse in the mainframe.
Table 8–2: Fuses
Voltage Rating
Tektronix replacement
part number
103 V to 250 V operation 15 A, Fast Blow, 250 V 159-0256-00
90 V to 132 V operation 20 A, Slow Blow, 250 V 159-0379-00
207 V to 250 V operation 6.3 A, Fast Blow, 250 V 159-0381-00
The main focus of the troubleshooting procedures is to isolate problems to one of
the major modules within the mainframe. You may find it helpful to refer to the
functional block diagram in Figure 6–1 on page 6–2 to isolate problems to one of
the modules within the mainframe:
Power Supply Problems. Use the following information to isolate power supply
problems to the power supply or to other modules.
H Isolate the problem to either the mainframe or to one of the installed VXIbus
Modules. Remove the modules from the mainframe and check that the
problem still exists.
H Run the mainframe diagnostic tests.
Equipment List
Diagnostic Information
Fault Isolation