Contents Index
3. Carefully remove Cintiq from the box
. Holding the lower part of the display support arms near the
display stand base, lift and move this product while also supporting the base of the stand.
Important: Do not attempt to lift Cintiq by yourself. Each person should use both hands to securely
grasp the product. The assembly is heavy. Work together, and lift carefully.
4. Place the Cintiq assembly in a stable position on your desktop or other work surface so that it will not
tip or fall. See display stand location
5. When in place, use the incline levers to rotate the display back to a vertical position.
6. Inventory your box contents
Request assistance from another person or persons when removing, lifting, or moving this product.
Physical damage or personal injury may result from a single person attempting to lift or carry this product.
Use care not to let the pen display fall backward. Doing so may cause personal injury or damage to your
product. Request assistance from another person if needed.
Avoid catching your finger in the gaps of the movable portions of the stand.
Locate the cables on top of the stand base, and ensure they do not hang free. Tripping over loose cables
can cause physical damage or personal injury.
Do not lift by the incline levers or upper portion of the support arms. Improper operation may lead to
physical injury or damage to the stand. Avoid catching your finger in the gaps of the movable portions of
the stand.
Place your product completely and securely on a level, stable surface. Do not allow any portion of the
display stand base to protrude from the installation surface. Otherwise, Cintiq may fall and cause physical
damage or personal injury.