28 ■ Watlow MINICHEF 2000 Application 9
Set the Fan
1. Press the Fan Settings key.
[~FAn1] and then the first fan setting value will appear on the display.
2. Press the Up or Down key until the value you want appears on the display.
3. Press the Fan Settings key again.
The first fan value has been set.
[~FAn2] and then the second fan setting value will appear on the display.
4. Press the Up or Down key until the value you want appears on the display.
5. Press the Fan Settings key again.
The second fan value has been set
[`idle] will appear on the display.
The menu you have set becomes the current menu for controller operation.
Five Second Timeout
When using the up or down keys to change a value, if you do not press any key for 5
seconds, the controller will automatically be set to the last value on the display and
return to [`idle].
If the Ready parameter under the [SEtUP] function in the Configuration Mode is set to
yes, when you press the Start/Stop key to activate the menu, the controller will detect
temperatures and preheat to operating temperature (above relative set point minus the
ready band) as required.
• If the oven is not at operating temperature, it will preheat. Meanwhile:
The word [pre-`] [`Heat] will appear on the display for a few moments. The
Start/Stop key indicator light will flash slowly. The temperature of Channel 1 will
be displayed until the operating temperature is reached.
The heat output indicator light - G, just below the display- will light up whenever
the controller is calling for heat.
When the oven is at operating temperature (above relative set point minus the
ready band) [ready] will appear on the display and the Start/Stop key indicator
light will flash rapidly. You are now ready to cook with the active menu.
• If the oven is at operating temperature, the display goes directly to [ready] with-
out indicating preheat or temperature.
Note: You can skip preheat and go directly to the cooking sequence by pressing the Start/Stop key a second time.
Run a Menu (when preheat feature is active)
This procedure describes how to run an active menu when the preheat feature is active
- that is, when the [ready] parameter in the [setUp] function of the Configuration
mode is set to [``yes].
1. Set the menu as shown earlier.