+ 5vdc 31 O-------------------O + |
| |
Ready 33 O-------------------O - |
| SSR |
The control outputs from the PIOM [TPV, ON-OFF, and DZC] for all 32
Loops are off, when Outputs ON Pin #35 of TB2 is TTL high or open. Also,
the outputs are off, whenever the microprocessor is not ready.
WARNING: If the outputs are not enabled through Pin 35, there will
be no control output from the PIOM. The Outputs enable has no
effect on the analog control outputs [A32- AOM].
To enable the outputs, Outputs ON Pin #35 must be tied to ground Pin #32
by a jumper. If so desired, a relay contact may be used that would enable the
outputs from some external circuit, such as a safety device. The outputs may
also be enabled or disabled by a TTL signal. A TTL low will turn the
outputs on and a TTL high will turn the outputs off. The TTL input should
be connected between ground pin 32, and the Outputs ON pin 35.
Jumper to keep External Relay or Switch to
outputs enabled. enable outputs when closed.
Ground 32 O------- Ground 32 O--------
| |
| Relay or Switch
| |
Outputs ON 35 O------- Outputs ON 35 O--------
The communciations watchdog timer output is on Pin #30 of TB2 the lower
block on the PIOM. The output will be ON upon communication failure.
+5vdc 31 O------ 0v= no comm 31 O------------|--O+ |
5v= comm SSR will | |
GRD 32 O-------------O be on with | SSR |
TTL no comm | |
COMM 30 O-------------O 30 O---------------|--Ο- |