When using electr i c gardeni ng appli ances, basic saf ety pr ecauti ons should al ways be
followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and serious injury . The warnings and
safety instructions in this manual must be followed to r educe t he risk of fire, electric
shock, or injury , and to provide reasonable safety and efficiency in using this unit. The
operator is r esponsible for fol l owi ng t he warni ngs and instr uct ions in this m anual and on
the unit. Read the entire instructi on manual bef ore assembling and using t he unit ! Re-
str ict t he use of thi s unit to persons who r ead, understand, and f ol l ow the warnings and
instructions in this manual and on the unit. Never allow children to use this unit. Do not
allow the unit to be used as a toy. Close at t ent i on i s necessary whe nused nearchildren.
Always disconnect unit fr om power source before servici ng, cleani ng, perf or mi ng main-
tenance, or s tor i ng. Nonconfor ming replacement components or t he removal of safety
devicesmay cause damageto t heunitandpossible i njur yto theoperat ororbystanders.
Use onl y accessories and repl acement parts as r ecommended. Use only for jobs ex-
plained i n t hi s manual.
S Always wear safety gl asses or simi lar
ing, or per f orm i ng maintenance o n your
uni t. Wear ingeye protect ioncan helpto
prevent rocks or debr i s fr om be ing
blown or r i cocheting into eyes and face
which can result in blindness or serious
S Al ways wear a respirat or or face mask
when workingwith theunit industyenvi-
S D ress saf ely i n long p an ts. Do not go
barefootor wearshortpants orsandals.
S Do not oper at e the uni t when you a r e
tired, ill, upset, or if you are under the in-
fl uence ofalcohol, dr ugs, ormedicati on.
S Secure hair so it is above shoulder
length. Keep loose hair, loose clothi ng,
fi ngers, and a l l other parts of t he body
away from openings and moving p arts.
Hair, jewelry, loose clothing, or clot hing
wit h loosely hanging str aps, t ies, tas-
sels, e tc., ca n be c au ght in mov i n g
Avoi d a dangerous environment. To re-
duce the risk of electr ical sh ock, do not
use i n rain, in d amp or wet l ocat i ons, or
arou nd sw immi ng pools, hot tubs, etc. Do
not expose t osnow, rain,orwater t oavoid
the possibility of electrical shock. Do not
useon wetsurf aces.Donothandleexten-
sion cord plug or unit with wet hands.
Avoi ddangerous si t uati ons. Donot use i n
the pr esence of flammable li quids or
gases to avoid creat i ng a f i r e orexplosion
and/or causing damage to unit . Do not
abusecord.Nevercarr yt heunitb ytheex-
tensioncordoryank extensioncor dtodi s-
connect u nit . To unpl ug, grasp the plug,
not the cord.Do not usecordas a handle,
close a door on cord, or pull cord around
sharp edges or corner s. Turn of f all con-
tr ol s bef or e unpl ugging. Do not expose
cords t oheat,oi l ,orwater. Donot usewith
damaged cord or plug. If uni t is not work-
ing as it should, has been dropped, dam-
aged, leftoutdoor s, ordropped into wat er,
return it to your authorized service dealer
for repair. Unplug the unit from t he power
source when not i n use, bef or e servi cing,
cleaning, perf or ming mai nt enance, or
stor ing. Do not put any object into open-
ings. Do not use with any opening
blo cked ; keep free of dust, li nt, hair and
anything t hat m ay reduce ai r flow.
S Use only a vol t age suppl y as shown on
the nameplate of the unit.
S Avoid dangerous envir onment s. Donot
use in unven tila ted areas or whe re dust
or explosive vapors can bui l d up.
S To reduce the risk of elect rical shock,
useextensi o ncord sspecificall ymar k ed
as suitable for out door appli ances. The
electr i cal r at i ng of the cord must not be
less than the rati ng of the unit.The cor d
must be marked wi t h the suf f i x “W”.
Make sure your extension cord i s in
good condition. I nsp ect exten sion cord
befo re use and repla ce if damaged. An
undersized extension cord w il l cause a