
power source disconnected. Keep vents
and tubes free of deb ris w hich can a ccu-
mulate and restrict pr oper air f low.
S Do not burn, incinerate, or expose this
unit to extreme heat.
S Store the unit unplugged in a high, cool,
dry, indoor area out of the reach of chil-
S Use only r ecom mended att achment s a nd
replacement part s to a void c reating a
hazard and/or v oiding warran ty.
S Maintain the unit according to r ecom-
mended procedures.
S Use o nly f o r jobsexplainedin the
section of this manual.
S Use only in daylight or in good artificial
S Inspect the area before using the unit.
Remove all deb ris and hard objects such
as rocks, glass, wire, etc., that can rico-
chet, be thrown, or otherwise cause injury
or damage durin g operation .
S Never r un the unit without t he proper
equipment attached. W hen used as a
blower, always install a blower tube. Use
only recommended a ttachments.
S To avoid s pread ing fire, donot use blower
near leaf or brush fires, fireplaces, barbe-
cue pits, ashtrays, etc.
S Never p lace objects inside the b lower
tubes; always direct the blowing debris
away from people, animals, glass, and
solid objects such as t rees, automobiles,
walls, etc. The force of air can cause
rocks, dirt , o rsticks tobe thrownor torico-
chet which can hurt people or animals,
break glass, or ca use other damage.
S Never use for spreading che micals, fertil-
izers, or anyother substances which m ay
contain toxic materials.
S Stop the motor and disconn ect the power
source before op ening the air inletdoor or
attempting to insert or remove the vacu-
um tubes. The motor must be stopped
and the impeller blades no longer turning
to avoid serious injury from the rotating
S Hard objects can be thrown through the
collection b a g orthe housing andbecome
dangerousmissiles wh ichcan causeseri-
ous injury to the operator or others.
S When using the vacuum att achment, the
unit is designed to pick up dry material
such as leaves, grass, small twigs, and
bits of paper . Do not vacuum stones,
gravel, metal, b roken glass, etc., to avoid
severe da mage to the im peller. To avoid
the possibility of electrical shock, do not
attempt to vacuum water or other liquids.
S Never r un the un it without the proper
equipment attached. When used as a
vacuum, a lwaysinstall va cuum tub esand
collection bag assembly. Make sure the
collection bag assembly is completely
zipped when u nit isrunning to a voidflying
debris. Use only recommended attach-
S Avoid situations which could set the col-
lection bag on fire. Do not vacuum dis-
carded matches, cigars, cigarettes, or
ash from fireplaces, barbecue pits, brush
piles, etc. To avoid spreading fire, do not
use blower n ear leaf or bru sh fires, fire-
places, barbecue pits, a shtrays, etc.
S Always use the collection bag shoulder
S Check air intake openings, elbow tube,
and vacuum t ube s frequently, alwayswith
the unit stopped and the power source
disconnected. Keep ven ts and t ubesfree
of debris which can accumulate and re-
strict pr oper air flow. Do not use w ith any
opening blocked, Keep free of dust, lint,
hair and anything that may re duce air
This productis list ed by Underwr i t er s L ab-
orator i es, Inc., in accordance with UL
St an da rd 1017.
If situations occur whi ch ar e not covered
in this manual, use care and good judg-
ment. I f you need assistance, contact
your authori zed servi ce dealer or call
1--800--554--6723. Failur e to f ol l ow all
Safety Rules and Precautions can result
in se rious injury.
S To reduce the risk of e lectrical s hock, this
unit has a polarized plug (one blade is
wider than th e other) and will require the
appliance plug will f it into a pola rized ex-
tension cord only one way. If the plug
does not fit fully into the extension cord,
reverse the plug. If the plug still does not
fit, obtain a correct polarized extension
cord. A polarized e xtensio n cord wil l re-
quire the use of a polarized wall outlet.
This plugwill fit i nto t hepolarized wall o ut-
let only one way. If plug does not fit fully
into the wall outlet, reverse the plug. If it
still does no t f it, contact a qualified e lectri-
cian t oinstall t he proper walloutlet.Do not
change the equipment p lug, extension
cord receptacle, or e xtension cord plug in
any way.