• Neverfillcontainersinsideavehicleor
on a truck or trailer bed with plastic liner.
Always place containers on the ground
away from your vehicle when filling.
• Removegas-poweredequipmentfromthe
truck or trailer and refuel it on the ground.
If this is not possible, then refuel such
equipment with a portable container, rather
than from a gasoline dispenser nozzle.
• Keepthenozzleincontactwiththerim
of the fuel tank or container opening at
all times until fueling is complete. Do not
use a nozzle lock-open device.
• Iffuelisspilledonclothing,changeclothing
• Neveroverfillfueltank.Replacegascap
and tighten securely.
• Neveroperatemachineinaclosedarea.
• Keepallnutsandboltstighttobesurethe
equipment is in safe working condition.
• Nevertamperwithsafetydevices.Check
their proper operation regularly.
• Keepmachinefreeofgrass,leaves,or
other debris build-up. Clean oil or fuel spill-
age and remove any fuel-soaked debris.
Allow machine to cool before storing.
• Ifyou strike aforeign object, stopand
inspect the machine. Repair, if necessary,
before restarting.
• Nevermakeanyadjustmentsorrepairs
with the engine running.
• Checkgrasscatchercomponentsandthe
discharge chute frequently and replace
with manufacturer’s recommended parts,
when necessary.
• Mowerbladeissharp.Wrapthebladeor
wear gloves, and use extra caution when
servicing them.
• Checkbrakeoperationfrequently.Adjust
and service as required.
• Maintainorreplacesafetyandinstruction
labels, as necessary.
• Besuretheareaisclearofbystanders
before operating. Stop machine if anyone
enters the area.
• Nevercarrypassengers.
• Donotmowinreverseunlessabsolutely
necessary. Always look down and behind
before and while backing.