iPump 6420 User’s Manual
www.wegener.com 800070-01 Rev B Appendix 1, Page 111
Command - R http: Report HTTP Information
Command - R ns: Report Network Services Status
Command - r oar: Status of Current Active Recording
Command - R profile: Reports all profile definitions
Command - R p: Report Configuration Information
Command - R r: Report Relays Status
Command - r sched: Scheduler status
Command - R st: Report Preset Table
Command - R s: Report Settings Status
Command - r trigger: Trigger report
Command - sched stat: Scheduler status
Command - setlnb: Set the LNB LO Frequency
LO_freq : 0 - 14000.00 MHz
LO_alias : C, KU, ELKU, EHKU
Command - SNMP community: Set SNMPv2 Community Access String
Command - snr: margin_offset - Set SNR margin offset
margin_offset: 1.0 - 10.5
Command - stat sched: Scheduler status
Command - trigger report: Trigger report
Command - wan gateway: Sets the network gateway for the WAN interface
Command - wan ip: Set the unit's static WAN IP Address
Command - wan mode: Sets the WAN addressing mode. DHCP, STATIC, or WEG
Command - wan setup: [ip] [subnet] Sets up IP address and subnet mask for the WAN port
Command - wan subnet: Sets the unit's static WAN Subnet Mask
addTermCmd( {"playlist", "delete"}, luaterm_delPlaylist )
addTermCmd( {"lua", "cmdargs"}, luaterm_dumpArgs )
addTermCmd( {"lua", "test1"}, (function (argv) print("lua command, test1!!!\n"); end) )
addTermCmd( {"core","config"}, (function (argv) table.foreach(SYS._hidden_vals,print);
end ) );
addTermCmd( {"core","build"}, (function (argv)
addTermCmd( {"core","luaopts"}, function (argv)
addTermCmd( "ver", luaterm_verReport )
addTermCmd( "APPSTAT", luaterm_verReport )
addTermCmd( "sp.", luaterm_sp )
addTermCmd( "decoff", luaterm_withDecoder( __decoff ) )
addTermCmd( "decabort", luaterm_withDecoder( __decabort ) )
addTermCmd( "decrejoin", luaterm_withDecoder( __decrejoin ) )
addTermCmd( "decfollowtune", luaterm_withDecoder( __decfollowtune ) )
addTermCmd( "playfile", luaterm_withDecoder( __playfile ) )
addTermCmd( { "playlist", "play" }, luaterm_withDecoder( playPlaylist ) )
addTermCmd( { "record", "start" }, function( argv )
addTermCmd( "rec1" , function( argv )
addTermCmd("date", function() print(os.date()) end)
addTermCmd( { "seq", "print" },
addTermCmd( { "seq", "validate" },