Part number 550-100-067/0608
g a s -f i r e d w a t e r b o i l e r — User’s Information Manual
The following defined terms are used throughout this manual to bring attention to the presence of hazards of various risk
levels or to important information concerning the life of the product.
Indicates presence of hazards that will cause severe personal injury, death or
substantial property damage.
Indicates presence of hazards that can cause severe personal injury, death or
substantial property damage.
Indicates presence of hazards that will or can cause minor personal injury or
property damage.
Indicates special instructions on installation, operation or maintenance that are
important but not related to personal injury or property damage.
The Boiler manual is for use only by a qualified heating installer/service technician. Refer only to this User’s
Information Manual for your reference. Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance
can cause property damage, personal injury (exposure to hazardous materials) or loss of life. Installation and
service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier (who must read and follow
the supplied instructions before installing, servicing, or removing this boiler. This boiler contains materials that
have been identified as carcinogenic, or possibly carcinogenic, to humans).
When calling or writing about the boiler— Please have the boiler model number from the boiler rating label and
the CP number from the boiler jacket.
Hazard definitions
Boiler service and maintenance
How to use this manual . . .
To . . . Read/use . . . See pages . . .
Learn precautions Warnings and definitions 1 – 3
Prevent air
Read the list of air contaminants you must avoid.
If found, either remove the products permanently, or have
your installer relocate boiler vent and air terminations to
an uncontaminated area.
Maintain the boiler
Maintain the boiler using the schedule in this manual.
Schedule an annual start-up by a qualified service
technician before every heating season.
5 – 8
Start or shutdown the
Boiler components &
the U-Control display
These illustrations and callouts will show you the location
of main components and use of the U-Control display.
10 – 11