• Coffee or water leaks from coffee filter basket
o Filter is not properly placed or is folded over
o Basket is not properly closed
o Coffee carafe or carafe cover is not in place
o Too much coffee in filter
o Filter basket valve is dirty, broken or missing
• Coffee does not come out or is very slow
o No water in coffee water reservoir
o No coffee in filter holder
o Basket is not properly closed
o Coffee carafe or carafe cover is not in place
o Filter clogged because coffee is ground too fine or packed too tight
o Appliance needs to be decalcified
• Espresso leaking from the espresso filter holder
o Missing espresso filter
o Filter holder not properly inserted
o Filter holder not in “locked” position
o Coffee grounds not cleaned off the edge of the filter and holder
o Internal gasket in espresso head is dirty and needs to be cleaned
o Internal gasket in espresso head damaged and needs to be
• Espresso does not come out or is very slow
o No water in boiler reservoir
o No coffee in filter holder
o Filter clogged because coffee is ground too fine or packed too tight
o Appliance needs to be decalcified
• Steam does not come out of steam wand
o No water or not enough water in boiler chamber
o No coffee or steam plug in espresso filter holder
o Clogged steam/frothing nozzle
o Appliance needs to be decalcified
• Not enough froth when frothing milk
o Frothing nozzle too deep in milk or touching bottom of pitcher
o Top openings of frothing nozzle is immersed in the milk
o Pitcher is not cold enough
o Milk is not fresh or cold enough
o Milk is too thick
o Clogged steam/frothing nozzle