If you move...To make sure that your
appliance is correctly installed and
to insure its continued satisfactory
operation, call your dealer. (Installa-
tion cost will, of course, be paid by
Helpful hinfs...You can help your
service representative give you foster
service if you include the model and
serial number of your appliance
when requesting service. Also, retain
your soles slip and warranty to verify
your warranty status.
Remember...Your service representa-
tive is trained in the repairing and
servicing of your WHIRLPOOL appli-
ances. He con help you maintain the
quality originally built into your
WHIRLPOOL appliance. So why not
take the time, now, to look up his tele-
phone number and jot it down in the
space provided on the cover.
If you have a probJem* :
Call your dealer or write:
Service Manager,
International Division
Whirlpool Corporation
Administrative Center
2000 U.S. 33 North
Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022
*If you must write, please provide: your
name, address, telephone number,
type of appliance, brand, model, serial
number, dote of purchase. the dealer’s
name, and a complete description of
the problem. This Information is needed
in order to better respond to your
request for assistance.
FSP is a registered trademark
of WhIrlpool Corporation for
quality ports. Look for this
symbol of quality whenever
R you need a replacement part
Whirlpool appliance.
FSP replacement parts
will fit right and work right. because they are
mode to the same exacting specifications
used to build every new Whirlpool appliance
Benton Harbor. Mlchlgan Aulomallc Washers. Clolhes Dryers.
Freezers. Relrigerator-Freezers. Ice Makers. Dishwashers.
BullI-III Ovens and Surlace Unlls, Ranges. Microwave Ovens.
Compaclors. Aoom Au Condllmners. Dehumldiliers. Cenlral
Healmg and An Conddmnmg Systems
Quality Our way of life.
Part No. 383160
Prlnted In U S.A