WEEKLY - Clean the interior and exterior
Regular use of a soft, damp cloth or sponge is all that is necessary to keep the inside and outside of your clothes vitalizer looking nice and clean.
ANNUALLY - Change the Filter in the Formula Container
The filter at the end of the clear plastic tube in the nozzle pack needs to be changed as the filter becomes clogged with use and reduces the amount of
formula dispensed. You can order filters by calling 1-866-MYVALET and ordering part number 4396216, which contains two filters.
Remove the formula
container from the
clothes vitalizer. Empty
formula and place it on
a flat surface.
Pull straight up on the
white nozzle pack.
Twisting the nozzle pack
as you pull up will help
remove it.
Replace the filter with a
Whirlpool Brand approved
filter by pushing the new
filter down onto the clear
plastic tube.
Replace the nozzle pack
by pushing the pack
down onto the formula
Hold the clear tube
securely with two fingers
and pull the old filter off.
Remove the formula container
from within the clothes vitalizer.
Empty formula and place con-
tainer on a flat surface.
Pull straight up on the white
nozzle pack. Twisting the
nozzle pack as you pull may
help remove it.
Replace the nozzle pack by
pushing the pack down onto the
formula container.
Soak the entire nozzle pack in a
sink or container of warm water
for 15 minutes.
AS NEEDED – Clearing a clogged Nozzle
Your nozzle may be clogged if:
• Dewrinkling performance has noticeably decreased.
• Odors are not removed.
• Formula level in container is not lower after each cycle.
NOTE: If nozzle does not unclog, call 1-866-MYVALET to order a new nozzle pack. DO NOT insert anything into the nozzle to attempt to clear. This will
damage the nozzle and cause an excessive amount of formula to be dispensed, which may damage your clothes.
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