8. Cut filler board (D) to size with utility
knife. Cut in from the outside edges.
The outside edges should have screw
holes in them.
9. Apply %” (10 mm) seal strip (left over
from Step 2) to the filler boards. Apply
seal strips to the bottom front and
outside front edges of the filler boards.
10. Attach left filler board to cabinet.
Pull cabinet part way out of the window.
Then attach the left filler board to the
front of the left side mounting bracket.
Use W’ (12.5 mm) hex-head metal
screws (E).
11. Position left filler board in window
channel. Place cabinet back into
window. Make sure left filler board sits
tightly against the window channel.
12. Attach right filler board to cabinet.
Insert right filler board into right window
channel. Push filler board against right
side mounting bracket and attach it with
W’ (12.5 mm) hex-head metal screws (E).
13. Apply foam seal (F). Measure from
right inside edge of window frame to left
inside edge. Then cut the foam seal,
with square ends, to fit. Hold the cabinet
to prevent it from falling. Raise window
sash and place adhesive side of foam
seal along underside of window.
14. Make sure filler boards are as far for-
ward (toward inside room) in window
channels as possible.
15. insert foam blocks (G) into window
channels - behind filler boards about 3-
4 inches from the top and bottom edges.
The blocks keep the filler board tight to
the window channel.