
Wood: Many wooden Items ~111 crack and warp or
lose therr frnrsh
TIPS: Do not wash cuttrng boards, wooden
salad bowls or knaves wrth wooden handles In
the dishwasher
Pewter or pewter-like materials: Items may
streak, discolor. and pit.
TIPS: To keep pewter at its very best. hand
wash wrth mild detergent.
Energy saving tips
You can help save energy if you
1. Wash full loads. Running a half-lrlled drsh-
washer uses the same amount 01 eleclnclty and
hot water as a fully loaded machine
2. Use the Light Wash Cycle whenever
possible. It uses less hot water and energy
than other cycles
3. Air dry dishes when you don’t need a rapid
drying cycle. Allow longer drying times (over-
night). Use a rinse agent to improve drying.
4. Load correctly for best washing results
Incorrect loading may cause poor washrng and
the need to rewash all or part of the load
5. Do not pre-rinse normally soiled dishes.
Select the correct cycle for the load and use the
recommended amount of detergent for good
washing results wtthout hand rrnsing.
6. Use your dishwasher during off-peak hours
Local utrlrties recommend thts to avoid heavy
usage 01 energy at certain lames of day
7. Select the Lo-Energy Option. The auto-
matic water heating in the main wash will be
turned off.
NOTE: Loads may not wash as well if the water
temperature is too low.
Dishwasher care & cleaning
Exterior - Regular use of a soft, damp cloth or
sponge and a mild detergent is all that is neces-
sary, in most cases, to keep the outside of 1
dishwasher nice iooking and clean.
Interior - Hard water minerals may cause a white
film to build-up on the Inside surfaces, especially
just beneath the door area. To clean dishwasher
1. Apply powdered dishwasher detergent to a
damp sponge to make a paste.
2. Use liquid automatic dishwasher detergent and
clean with damp sponge.
Wear rubber gloves. Do not use any type of
cleanser other than automatic dishwasher de-
tergent because it may cause foaming or sudsing