To use the liquid
fabric softener
The fabric softener asperser IS
used for cddlng fabric softener auto-
mot~cally to the deep rinse
After We load and detergent have
been added to the washer, f!t the dls-
penser over the agitator cap as shown
2. Pour the recommended amount of
fabric softener Into a stanoard measur-
ing cup u~th a pouring spcut Follow
package recommendations for the
amount to use
IMPORTANT: Dilute fabric
softener with water.
3. Add hot or warm water to dilute the
fabric softener and fill dispenser to the
line Inark The diluted fabric soft-
ener will be dispensed just before the
washer fills for the deep rinse
4. Clean dispenser after each use with
warm water only [detergent makes
fabric softener sticky and gummy)
Do not stop washer, during the
first spin (after the wash period) If you
do, the fabric softener dispenser wtll
empty too soon This can result in stain-
1ng of fatzrics
For Rinsing Only
There IS a dot just after t?e num-
HEAVY and SHORT Cycles If you push in
or the Cycle Control Knob, turn the
pointer to one of those dots and pull the
Control Knob out, the wc;?er WIII fill,
agitate, drain a?d splr
For Spinning Only
There may be tlrn?:s wFzr you
want t% drair out ail the tidash +$ater
arId start over To s!op the washer at
an! time. ust pcsh IP or ?he Cqcie
CorItrol KrIob
To set the washer ‘$0 It drains
and spins dater out of tr>e loo3 pus?
ln on ‘he Contra <nor, -cl’n tpe cllal ts
the right [c!ocKwise) SC the pzirter IS
touchng tq?e bar just be’ore OF; r
any cqcle
The washer will uran, spur out
water and stop automa! tally