Before oddlng detergent for woshlng dissolve IV qluart of warm water (or
2. If you need service :
If your WHIRLPO31 appliance ever
needs service onyti#here ir the Unltea
States, help IS just 7 phcJr!e call away
to your nearest Wt:lr:pcol franchised
TECH-CARE. servjce representative
WhIrlpool mantains a nationwIde
network of franchised TECH CARE Serb
~103 companies tc fulfill ,/our in/urrantv
and provide after ~~arronty service and
ma!n?enonce to koep vc:)ur WHIRLPOOL
appliance In peck corltjitl<;n
You’ll find your rlearest TFCH-CARE
service company :isted II, v;>ur local
telepqone book Yellow Pages under
Should you not find
a listing, dial free, the Whirlpool
COOL-LINE’ service assistance tele-
phone number.
When calling from.
Michigan (800) 632-2243
Alaska &
Hawaii (800) 253-l 121
All other
(800) 253-l 301
rlstallatlor, or to get the nar-#e of a
j,iclifleG insToIler (lnstallatlorI o(;st dill
I.;f course, be paid by yocl j
Helpful hints...You
car “lelp VCL’
‘CCH-CARE service representotlve give
y 3~ fas!er ser iIce If you include the
8y~otjel and serial number of your
appliance when requesting service
AIs:,, retain your sales slop and ‘warranty
+o verify your ,warranty status
TECH-CARE service
,epresentatlve IS specially trained irN the
expert repairing and servlclng cf your
WHIRLPOOL appliances He can help
vqu :Taintain the quality origlnollv built
lrto vour WHIRLPOOL appliance So why
c;oi *ake the t,me, now, to look up his
telephone number and lot it do$nln 15 the
space provided or\ the cover
3. If you have a problem :
Call WhIrlpool Corporation lrI
Berton Harbor at the COOL-LINE
serbice assistance telephone j-lumber
see Step 2) cr write
rdr Gu\;
V,ce Presider +
LZ/i-lrlpoo! Corporation
%Ymlnlstrative Center
1000 U S 33 Nortn
Bc?nton Hornor Michigan 49022
, zu must call or write, please
nrc-vi;je your name, address,
telepb:)ne nu-nber type of appliance.
bravILj, model, serial number, date of
L,Y:c:hase tne dealer’s name, and o
,:smplete aescrlptlon of the proble?l
-tllcl irlfclrmat,?rl is reeded in orrler to
oe+ter respor,cl ta your request for