If You Need Service Or Assistance
We suggest you follow
these steps:
1. Before calling for assistance _.
Performance problems often resutl
from little things you can find and fix
yourself without tools of any kind.
If your washer does not fill:
l Is the power supply oord plugged
into a iive circuit with the proper
l Are both water faucets open?
l Have you checked your home’s main
fuses or circuit breaker box?
. Are the water suppty hoses kinked?
l fs the Cycle Control Knob set and
pulled out?
If your washer does not spln:
l k the lid closed?
. ls the power supply cord plugged
into a live circuit with the proper
l Have you checked your home’s main
fuses or circuit breaker box?
If your washer stops during a cycle:
l The washer pauses briefly at
different times in each cyde. These
pauses are normal.
If your washer fllb and drains
without running:
l Make sure that the Cycle Control
Knob is pointing to a number in the
Make sure the drain hose b higher
than the water level In the washer.
l The washer may seem to be draining
during wash and rinse cycles.
l Water can siphon out
(See Installation Instructions.)
2 If you need assistance*...
Cell Whlrlpool Consumer Asslstance
Center telephone number. Dial free
from anywhere In the U.S.:
and talk with one of our trained insult-
ants. The consultant can instruct you in
how to obtain satisfactory operation from
your appliance or, it service is nacessary.
recommend a qualified service company
in your area.
If you prefer, write to:
Mr. William Clark
Consumer Assistance Representative
Whirlpool Corporation
2000 M-83
Benton Harbor. Ml 49922
Please include a daytime phone number
in your correspondence.
3. If you need service*...
Whirlpool has a
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*RvlQ WhirlpoolbY
service companies.
Whirlpool service techniciins are trained
to fulfill the produd warranty and provide
after-warranty service, anywhere in the
United States. To locate the authorized
Whirlpool service company in your area,
call our Consumer Assistance Center
telephone number (see Step 2) or bok in
your telephone directory Yellow Pages