loading your
Dryer f
For best drying resuits ano energy
soings sort dryer loads carefullv
Separate loads
accJrurng to
type of fobrlc and Lvelgnt For
Dry heavy fabrics (dec!ms towels
cottons) separateiv from light fobr!cr
(permonent press. synthetlcsl
Separate lent givers (+owels. sw’eo’
shirts etc 1 from lint takers tsynthetlcs
blends permanent press,
Keep dark colors and lmght colo~c
Keep colorfast items uwoy fr~r n3pI
colorfast fabrics
Allow room
for items to tumble
freely The load
dry foster wth fewer
When dryng permanent press,
dry smaller-than-normal loads
for the
best wrinkle removol
Use a mesh bag
tc hold small
items such as baby socks
Read the Dryer Guide
for more
hints on sorting and loading
lint Screen
ihe lint screen IS under the IId 0’1
tar? of the dryer
Cfe,~f; tile i rt screer; SeWe eL? -fJ
io8:‘1 A screen that s blocked by lint
car) cause ionger dwlng t#mes
To remove ?he screen, open the
Ird and pull the screen strorght out Roti
the lent off the screen wrth your fingers
DO NOT rinse the screen or wash
Wet lint IS hard to remove
When reploclng the screen, push
It firmly Into place Close the IId