Cleaning Your Air Conditioner
Proper use and care of your air amditiiner will
heb ensure longer life d the unit and bwer
operating costs. Follow these instructions carefully.
Call your local servicing dealer for an annual
Cleaning front panel and filter
Elactrlcal Shock, Parmnal injury and
Rodud Damaga liazard
l Unplug powar cord from racaptada Mom
claanlng unit. Fallura to do ao could raauk
In abctrlcal shod< or pafsonal Injury.
l Handle tha alr oonditloner wlth cars. Tha
matal flns on the colla are sharp. Fallura to
do so could result In personal injury.
. Do not uaa claanlng flum solvents,
abraalva cleanera, or strong detarganta
They may damage the parta
1. Unplug power cord.
2 Remove the front panel from unit for cleaning.
Press down at top of front panel to release it
from top of cabinet.
3. Pull top of front panel toward you.
4. Lift up and away from bottom spring dips.
5. Remove fifter from front panel by removing
elastic band which holds it in place.
6. Clean filter by using a vacuum cleaner or, if
very ditty, wash filter with warm water and a
mild detergent. Air dry thoroughly before
replacing. Do not use a hot air dryer on
7. Clean front panel using a soft cbth with warm
water and a mild detergent. Rinse and dry.
6. Replace fitter and hold it in place with elastic
9. Wipe control panel dean with a soft, dry cbth.
10. Replace front panel. locate bottom of panel on
the spring clips. Press down on top edge of
front panel and push front toward unit to
secure upper tabs.
11. Reconnect power supply.