Whistler Repair Dept.
1201 North Dixieland Rd.
Rogers, AR. 72756
I M P O R TA N T: Whistler will not assume responsibility for loss
or damage incurred in shipping. There f o r e, please ship your
unit insured with re t u r n receipt re q u e s t e d .
2. Include with your unit the following information, clearly printed:
• Your name and street address (for shipping via UPS),
a daytime telephone number. (No P.O. Box please.) and email
a d d r ess (if applicable).
• A detailed description of the problem (e.g., “Unit per
f o r ms self-test but does not respond to radar”).
• A copy of your dated store receipt or bill of sale.
3. Be certain your unit is re t u r ned with its serial number. For
re f e r ence, please write your unit’s serial number in the following
space: s/n __________________.
Units without serial numbers are not covered under warr a n t y.
I M P O R TA N T: To validate that your unit is within the warranty
period, make sure you keep a copy of your dated store re c e i p t .
You may register your warranty online at www. w h i s t l e rg ro u p . c o m ,
h o w e v e r, for warranty verification purposes, a copy of your dated
s t o re receipt must accompany any unit sent in for warranty work.
Consumer Warranty
This Whistler Radar/Laser detector is warranteed to the origi-
nal purchaser for a period of one year from the date of origi-
nal purchase against all defects in materials and workmanship.
This limited warranty is void if the unit is abused, modi-
fied, installed impro p e r l y, if the housing has been
removed, or if the serial number is missing. T h e re are no
e x p r ess warranties covering this product other than those set
f o r th in this warr a n t y. All express or implied warranties for this
p r oduct are limited to one year. Whistler is not liable for
damages arising from the use, misuse, or operation of this
p ro d u c t .
Service Under Warranty
During the warranty period, defective units will be re p a i red or
replaced (with the same or a comparable model), at Whistler’s
option, without charge to the purchaser when re t u rned with a
dated store receipt to the address below. Units re t u rned with-
out a dated store receipt will be handled as described in sec-
tion “Service Out Of Wa rr a n t y.” Due to the specialized equip-
ment necessary for testing a radar/laser re c e i v e r, there are no
authorized service stations for Whistler brand detectors other
than the factory.
When re t u rning a unit for service under warr a n t y, please
follow these instru c t i o n s :
1. Ship the unit in the original carton or in a suitable sturdy
equivalent, fully insured, with return receipt requested, and
shipping charges prepaid to:
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