For a proper installation, follow the advices below:
1. All the joints of the evacuation pipe must be secured, using three screws.
Make sure that each screw goes through the inner walls of both connectors (male and female). See
pictures below showing a male-female coupling.
2. A minimum rise of 1/4 inch per horizontal foot must be respected.
The barometric control must be adjusted so that the maximum draft measured at the furnace outlet is limited to -0.06
in. w.c. Please note that a draft higher than -0.06 in. H2O could result in an uncontrollable fire. On the other hand,
the minimum draft to be respected is -0.04 in. w.c. in the evacuation pipe on the solid fuel side, no matter what
type of furnace.
In the event that the furnace and the chimney are completely cold, it might be necessary before lighting, to provide
fresh air by opening a door or a window for a few minutes.
Take note that a house constructed or renovated in order to be airtight is liable to lack fresh air which is necessary
for a proper combustion and a proper operation of heating units.
In such a case, when starting up the fire, do not operate appliances which evacuate air outside the house such as:
- Range hood
- Air exchanger
- Cloths dryer
- Bathroom fan
- Ventilated central vacuum system