3) The age will flash on the display. Press UP or DOWN set the right age, then press SET
to confirm.
4) Height will flash on the display. Press UP or DOWN to set the right height, then press
SET to confirm.
Note: Please don’t stand on the scale while setting the personal data.
5) After finishing setting up the personal data, the scale will display 0.0 which indicates the
scale is ready for weighing. Stand on the scale when 0.0 display on the scale.
z First the weight display on the scale
▲ Attention: In order to have accurate reading, please stand on the scale with bare feet
and keep your feet clean and dry, get in good touch with the metal surface.
z When 000 is displayed on the scale, it indicates that the scale is analyzing. Please do
not move.
z Once finished, the “weight”, “fat percentage”, “water percentage”, “muscle
percentage”, “bone mass” and “target fat percentage”, “suggest daily intake calorie”,
personal data will display directly on each segment of the LCD for 20 seconds and