4 English
E Operational training practice, including:
1 if feasible, practice in the operation of
powered floor scrubbers shall be con-
ducted in an area separate from other
workplace activities and personnel;
2 training practices shall be conducted
under the supervision of the trainer;
3 training practice shall include the actual
operation or simulated performance of
all operating tasks such as maneuvere-
ing, traveling, stopping, starting, and
other activities under the conditions
which will be encountered in the use of
the powered floor scrubber.
A During training, performance and oral
and/or written tests shall be given by the
employer to measure the skill and
knowledge of the operator in meeting
the requirements of the Standard. Em-
ployers may delegate such testing to
others but shall remain responsible for
testing. Appropiriate records shall be
B Operators shall be retrained when new
equipment is introduced, existing equip-
ment is modified, operating conditions
change, or an operator’s performance is
C The user shall be responsible for en-
forcing the safe use of the powered floor
scrubber according to the provisions of
this Standard.
NOTE: Information on operator training is
available from such sources as powered
floor scrubber manufacturers, government
agencies dealing with employee safety,
trade organizations of users of powered in-
dustrial trucks, public and private organiza-
tions, and safety consultants.
Safe operation is in the responsibility of the
The operator shall develop safe working
habits and also be aware of hazardous con-
ditions in order to protect himself, other per-
sonnel, the powered floor scrubber, and
other material.
The operator shall be familiar with the oper-
ation and function of all controls and instru-
ments before undertaking to operate the
Before operating the unit, operators shall
have read and be familiar with the opera-
tor’s manual for the particular unit being op-
erated and they shall also abide by the
safety rules and practices in the following
Before operating any unit, the operator
shall be familiar with unusual operating
conditions which may require additional
safety precautions or special operating in-
Before starting to operate the powered floor
A be in operating position;
B place directional controls in neutral;
C apply brake;
D turn switch to ON position.
Do not start or operate the unit, any of its
functions or attachments, from any place
other than from the designated operators
Keep hands and feet inside the operator’s
designated area or compartment of the unit.
Understand unit limitations and operate the
unit in a safe manner so as not to cause in-
jury to personnel. Safeguard pedestrians at
all times.
Do not drive a powered floor scrubber up
to anyone standing in front of an object.
B Ensure that personnel stand clear of the
rear swing area before conducting turn-
ing maneuvers.
C Exercise particular care at cross aisles,
doorways, and other locations where
pedestrians may step into the path of
travel of the powered floor scrubber.
Do not permit passengers to ride on pow-
ered floor scrubbers unless a safe place to
ride has been provided by the manufactur-
A powered floor scrubber is attended when
the operator is less than 25 ft. (7.6 m) from
the unit, which remains in his view.
A powered floor scrubber is unattended
when the operator is more than 25 ft. (7.6
m) from the unit, which remains in his view,
or whenever the operator leaves the unit
and it is not in his view.
Before leaving the operator’s position:
A bring the unit to a complete stop;
B place the directional controls in neutral;
C apply the parking brake;
D stop the engine or turn off the controls;
E if the unit must be on an incline, block
the wheels.
Maintain a safe distance from the edge of
ramps, platforms, and other similar working
When powered floor scrubbers are driven
on and off highway trucks or trailers, the
brakes on the highway trucks or trailers
shall be applied and wheel chocks or other
positive mechanical means shall be used to
prevent unintentional movement of highway
trucks and trailers.
Whenever powered floor scrubbers are
driven on and off semitrailers that are not
coupled to a tractor, supports may be need-
ed to prevent upending or corner dipping.
Care shall be taken not to contact overhead
installations such as lights, wiring, pipes,
sprinkler systems, etc.
Report all accidents involving personnel,
building structures, and equipment to the
supervisor or as directed.
Do not add to, or modify the unit.
Do not block access to fire aisles, stairways
or fire equipment.
Observe all traffic regulations including au-
thorized plant speed limits. Under normal
traffic conditions, keep to the right. Maintain
a safe distance, based on speed of travel,
from the unit ahead; and keep the unit un-
der control at all times.
Yield the right of way to pedestrians and
emergency vehicles such as ambulances
and fire trucks.
Do not pass another truck traveling in the
same direction at intersections, blind spots,
or at other dangerous locations.
Slow down and sound the audible warning
device(s) at cross aisles and other locations
where vision is obstructed.
Cross railroad tracks at an angle wherever
possible. Do not park closer than 6 ft (1800
mm) to the nearest rail of a railroad track.
Ascend or descend grades slowly, and with
caution. Avoid turning, if possible, and use
extreme caution on grades, ramps, or in-
clines; normally travel straight up and
Keep a clear view of the path of travel and
observe for other traffic, personnel, and
safe clearances.
Under all travel conditions, operate the unit
at a speed that will permit it to be brought to
a stop in a safe manner.
Make starts, stops, turns, or direction rever-
sals in a smooth manner so as not to shift
load and/or overturn the powered floor
Do not indulge in stunt driving or horseplay.
Slow down for wet and slippery floors.
Before driving over a dockboard or bridge
plate, be sure that it is properly secured.
Drive carefully and slowly across the dock-
board or bridge plate, and never exceed its
rated capacity.
Do not drive powered floor scrubbers onto
any elevator unless specifically authorized
to do so. Approach elevators slowly, and
then enter squarely after the elevator car is
properly leveled. Once on the elevator,
neutralize the controls, shut off power, and
set brakes. It is advisable that all other per-
sonnel leave the elevator before the pow-
ered floor scrubber is allowed to enter or
When negotiating turns, reduce speed to a
safe level consistent with the operating en-
vironment. Make the turns smoothly. Ex-
cept when maneuvering at a very low
speed, turn the steering control at a moder-
ate, even rate.
The operation of a powered floor scrubber
requires special safety considerations, as
A A powered floor scrubber may tip over if
an operator fails to slow down to a safe
speed before making turns. Indications that
a truck is being driven at an excessive
speed during turning maneuvers include:
1 tire skidding;
2 unit side sway;
3 wheel lift; and
4 the need to grip the steering wheel tight-
Operator Responsibility
General Traveling