ROMBUS 980124 07/02/03
For the name and address of your dealer contact: Windsor Industries
Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _________________________________________________________________________________________
MODEL _______________________________________
DATE OF PURCHASE __________________________
SERIAL NUMBER ______________________________
SALES REPRESENTATIVE # _____________________
DEALER NAME ________________________________
OPERATIONS GUIDE NUMBER ___________________
PUBLISHED __________________________________________
Copyright 2003 Windsor Industries, Printed in USA
The Windsor Rombus Carpet Maintainer is designed to maintain your carpet using the Rombus
quick clean, quick dry carpet care system. The machine has two counter rotating brushes that help
scrub chemical into the carpet. The chemical, Red Carpet Rombus Carpet Clean Chemical,
encapsulates the dirt, allowing both to be vacuumed up once the chemical has dried. The brushes
also help to raise the pile of the carpet, giving it a lush groomed appearance.