3 4
Antenna Assembly, Cont’d Antenna Assembly, Cont’d
Mounting the Antenna: Location Selection
Figure 5
Coax Cable
Installation Place for
Matching Transformer
Matching Transformer
Forward Elements
Figure 6
Figure 2
Figure 3
Insert the coax and matching transformer into the installation place. Then, slide
one of the forks of the matching transformer between the two forward elements
on the threaded post. Repeat this process for the other post. See Figure 6.
Tighten the nuts, making sure the matching transformer is still connected.
Check that you are within a 30 mile range of the stations that you want to
receive. The antenna has an approximate range of 30 miles when installed outside.
For a listing of likely channels available in your area, go online to www.tvfool.com
or antennaweb.org. On each of these sites, you can enter your address and get a
listing of likely channels available in your area along with the compass heading for
each station’s tower. For most locations, stations will only come from one or two
directions. If the compass headings are similar (<30° apart), the FREEVISION can be
aimed between the two areas and receive signals from each location.
With the logo facing up, thread the coax cable through the bottom of the
FreeVision antenna. Connect the coax cable to the matching transformer. See
Figure 5. (For an installation that does not require full 50’ coax cable, coil the
excess cable up and store it behind the television.)
Remove and dispose of the rubber boot on the matching transformer as shown in
Figure 4.
Figure 4
Rubber boot
Lift the forward elements until the holes in the elements line up (Figure 2).
With the holes lined up, install the UHF element by inserting the threaded posts
into the holes in the forward elements. The threaded posts should extend down
towards the body of the FREEVISION antenna as in Figure 3.
Thread the supplied 10-32 hex flange nuts on the back of the threaded posts. DO
NOT tighten at this time.
Continue to page 4 to complete antenna assembly.