Dealer Service 25
MAN0670 (11/16/2007)
Figure 17. Gearbox Assembly (Flat Top Gearbox)
Reassemble Gearbox
1. Clean housing, paying specific attention to areas
where gaskets will be installed.
2. Wash housing and all components thoroughly.
Select a clean area for gearbox assembly. Replace
all seals, bearings, and gaskets. All parts must be
clean and lightly oiled before reassembling.
3. Insert output bearings (6 & 7) in the housing, using
a round tube of the correct diameter and a hand
4. Slide output shaft (4) through both bearings (6 & 7)
until it rests against bearing (6).
5. Slide shim (15) over output shaft (4).
6. Press gear (5) onto output shaft (4) and secure
with washer (20), castle nut (16), and cotter pin
7. Apply grease to lower seal lips (21) and press seal
(21) over output shaft (4), using a tube of the
correct diameter. Be sure not to damage the seal
Press in housing so that seal is recessed. Insert
protective washer (19) by hand. Install snap ring
(10) and position it together with dual lip seal (21)
by pressing it into position. Verify that snap ring is
seated correctly.
8. Press bearing (8) into the housing, using a round
tube of the correct diameter and a hand press.
Secure with shim (15) and snap ring (12).
1. Crown gear
2. Gearbox housing
3. Input shaft
4. Output shaft
5. Gear pinion
6. Bearing
7. Bearing
8. Bearing
9. Ball bearing 6207
10. Internal retainer ring
11. Cotter pin
12. Snap ring
13. Snap ring
14. Spacer 35.3 x 48.25
15. Shim kit
16. Castle nut
17. Castle nut metric M24 x 2
18. Washer
19. Protective washer
20. Flat washer
21. Metric seal 40 x 80 x 12
22. Oil seal
23. Oil cup
25. Top cover
26. Cap screw 8 mm x 16 (8.8)
27. Vent plug
28. Cotter pin