
EEP Err An attempt to write to non-volatile memory failed. The unit will
continue to respond to commands.
SEr Err The RDM unique ID has been corrupted. The unit will operate
normally but should not be used in an RDM environment.
Contact dealer or factory for assistance.
RDM Functionality
Transition is compliant with the RDM v1.0 standard and can be used with
the Wybron Info-Trace system or other RDM systems. By definition, all
required RDM parameters are supported including, discovery, device info,
DMX start address, identify device, etc.
Additional RDM functions supported include:
Status and Queued messages. This allows the device to let the
controller know it has something to say – like ‘my address has been
changed locally’
Device Model Description – gives the controller a human readable
description of the Transition
Manufacturer Label
Device Label – user definable field up to 32 characters allowing the
user to give it a meaningful name in the particular application like
‘Star curtain 2’ or ‘Shark display upper right’.
Software version information
DMX personality – The Transition personalities include DMX
control, Demo mode 1, and Demo mode 2.
DMX Start Address – This can be set remotely through an RDM
Slot description – human readable explanation of the function of
each of the Transition’s DMX channels.
Sensor information including operating voltage, and voltage history.
Device operational hours.
Remote device reset.