Converting Wyse D Class to ThinOS 9
Step 8: Obtain a Firmware Update
If you are under a Wyse maintenance contract, you can download ThinOS software
updates from your My Downloads page in the Wyse Self-Service Center at
. If you are not under maintenance and wish to
gain access to ThinOS software updates, you must complete a product registration:
1. After purchase, you will receive an e-mail containing your software Registration Code.
2. Go to the Wyse Self-Service Center at http://support.wyse.com/selfservice.html
log in (or register and log in).
3. On the Home tab under Support Resources, click the Registration, Licenses &
Downloads (**New) link to open the Registration, Licenses & Downloads page of the
Support and Service Center tab.
4. Enter the Registration Code that you received from Wyse for your purchase in the
Enter Registration Code box and click Register. After the process is complete, the
products you registered will display on the page.
5. Activate your software maintenance: Click Activate in the Software Maintenance list.
6. Download your software: On the page displaying the products you registered, select
Support and Service Center tab > Registration, Licenses & Downloads to open
the Registration, Licenses & Downloads page, hover your mouse pointer over the My
Downloads link and select ThinOS to display available firmware, click the zip file you
need (for example, D10D_8.0_037.zip), and then follow the download instructions.
CAUTION: Be sure to select the option in the D10D_8.0_037.zip file that you need.
For example:
If you are using an FTP server to update your firmware, be sure to use the
ZD10_wnos file.
If you are using the USB Firmware Tool to update your firmware, be sure to use
the D10-8.0_037-2G-Merlin.zip file.
WARNING: Use of the Software on more than one device requires that you first purchase
from Wyse additional copies of, or licenses to, the Software. Contact your local Wyse
distributor or Wyse Inside Sales at 1-800-800-9973 option 1 or 1-408-473-1200 option 1.