To test IR Commands, the PC must be connected to either the RS232 COM or
USB COM Port on the MRC88 Front Panel and IR emitters must be connected to
the appropriate IR Emitter Outputs on the MRC88 Rear Panel and correctly
attached to the appropriate devices.
Figure 22 – Select Test Mode
1. In the Universal Dragon™ Tool Bar, in the Mode Menu, select Test.
2. On the virtual keypad, click the Power Button. The MRC88 Front Panel
Zone 1 LED and Zone 1 Keypad should turn ON.
3. Click the CD Button. The Keypad should switch to Source 1 (CD). If a play
command was added to the source select macro, the device should play.
4. Click all other buttons that have been programmed with IR Commands for the
selected source. Visually confirm function on the device.
5. Repeat Steps 3-4 for all sources.
6. Click the Power Button. The MRC88 Front Panel Zone 1 LED and Zone 1
Keypad should turn OFF.
7. In the Universal Dragon™ Tool Bar, in the Mode Menu, select Normal.
8. Reprogram any commands that did not function properly or that were missed
in initial programming.