
Model MRC88m / MRAUDIO8x8m Page: 35
© 2009 Xantech Corporation
Section 3: Pre-Programming the MRC88m
Programming the MRC88m system involves planning the system and most of all, programming the system. This
section is broken down to walk you through from Basic to Advanced modes of programming as well as
programming external Universal IR Remotes (Xantech URC-2 or other) to control the MRC88m
Through Dragon Drop-IR™ Software, you will configure all of the Keypads placing IR Commands under the
function buttons to control the MRC88m Controller/Amplifier as well as the A/V Source components connected
to the Controllers. You will also setup the unit to provide Power Management for all of the source components
assuring no individual source will be out of sequence allowing all items to operate as one seamless system. All
other ADVANCED features are also programmed here including Zone Linking, Monitor Lockout, RS232 control,
and IR Routing of received commands (to name a few).
The actual keypads are not programmed in the system. All keypad functionality is contained in the MRC88m
Controller/Amplifier. Each keypad access’s its functions via bi-directional communications between the keypad
and the controller. This means the system is programmed ‘as a whole’ which saves programming time and
ease of maintenance. Keypads can be interchanged or replaced without any further programming!
A system programmed under BASIC mode will allow for the following features to be utilized:
1. Basic Controller/Amplifier control including: Zone Power On/Off, Source Selection, Speaker
Volume, Speaker Mute, Speaker Balance control, EQ Treble/Bass adjustment from the keypad,
2. Basic IR Control of all source components from the keypad function buttons as well as via the
Keypads built-in IR Receiver.
3. Source Power Management (Video or Current Sense) for each source connected.
4. Icon Editor
A system programmed under ADVANCED mode will allow for the following additional features to be utilized:
1. All BASIC features listed above
2. EXPANDED operation mode (systems with 2 Controller/Amplifiers)
3. RS232 Control of external components from the keypad
4. RS232 Control of the MRC88m Controller/Amplifier from external devices such as PC’s, Touch
Screen Controllers or any other RS232 device
5. Programming of Internal Amplifier Commands
6. Static and Dynamic Linking of Zones
7. Priority Lockout Enable/Disable as well as Monitor Lockout
8. IR Routing Enable/Disable
9. Use of Zone Audio Inputs
10. RC68+ IR Macro Generator
11. Configurable LCD backlight time-out settings