3. Edit the Access Code field as needed for the next fax
transmission. The fax software recognizes the following
Code Function
0 through 9 Dialing numbers
* and # Sound the tones corresponding
to these keys on tone telephones
W Wait for dial tone
, (comma) 2 second pause
[ ] Square brackets protect internal
accounting codes, credit card
numbers, and so forth. Any
number placed within the square
brackets gets dialed, but does not
appear on the fax cover sheet or
4. Press Enter when finished.
This access code is used for the next fax transmission.
Using fax software in Windows
To send a fax in the Windows environment, use the Fax or Print
dialog box to set up the fax. The Fax or Print dialog box appears
each time you issue the PRINT command in a Windows
A PostScript printer driver is required as the active Windows
printer driver to send a fax. Refer to your Windows
documentation for information on how to select a printer driver.
If you are using a Windows application that uses non-Windows
printer drivers, be sure a PostScript printer driver is selected in
the application.
As described in “Windows installations” section in the
“Installation” chapter, you can install the Fax Control Panel icon
to turn the Fax or Print dialog box on or off.
Making choices in the fax software dialog boxes
The fax software dialog boxes follow standard Windows
procedures for making choices and supplying information. Use
either a mouse or your keyboard to make selections. To select
an item with a mouse, click on the item with the left mouse
button. Items in dialog boxes can also be selected by pressing
Alt and the underscored letter in the item name. When
choosing multiple items from a list, pressing the Spacebar has
the same effect as clicking items.