Image is saved to the Eye-Fi
Scan an item
How Eye-Fi Works
Scan and send files to a computer (with Eye-Fi Center installed)
The Eye-Fi card looks for a
configured wireless network
Wi-Fi network is found and the
files are copied to the Eye-Fi
Wi-Fi network is not found. The
next time the scanner is powered
on, the Eye-Fi card will look for a
wireless network again and if
found, copy any files that have not
previously been transferred
Scan and send files to a mobile device (with a mobile app installed)
The Eye-Fi servers transfer the files
into the mobile app on your device
The Eye-Fi card deploys a Wi-Fi
network (Direct Mode)
Mobile device connects to the Eye-
Fi card’s Wi-Fi network
The files are copied into the
mobile app on your device
The Eye-Fi servers transfer the file
to your computer through the Eye-
Fi Helper utility
Image is saved to the Eye-Fi
Scan an item
The Eye-Fi card looks for a
configured wireless network
Wi-Fi network is found and the
files are copied to the Eye-Fi