Linux Kernel
XAPP979 (v1.0) February 26, 2007 www.xilinx.com 23
6. Click Connect_Periphs and add the OPB_INTC, OPB_SYSACE, OPB_IIC, OPB_SPI,
OPB_IIC, and OPB 16550 peripherals, using the instance names shown in Figure 27.
Click OK.
7. Select Software → Generate Libraries and BSPs to generate the LSP in
8. From ml403_ppc_opb_iic/linux, run
9. The ml403_ppc_opb_iic/linux/.config is used to define the contents of the Linux
kernel. Run
make oldconfig
An alternative is to enter make menuconfig and generate a new .config using the following
• Select General Setup
• Enable IIC. Disable PS/2 keyboard. Change to /dev/ram for booting from ramdisk.
• Select Input Core Support. Disable all.
• Select Character Devices. Disable Virtual. Leave Serial enabled. Disable Xilinx GPIO and
10. Run make clean dep zImage.initrd. Verify that the zImage.initrd.elf file is in
the ml403_ppc_opb_iic/linux/arch/ppc/boot/images directory.
11. Invoke Impact and download implementation/download.bit to XC4VFX12. Either
select Device Configuration → Download Bitstream from XPS or run the following
Figure 27: Connected Peripherals